Hear From God


That's how it is with my words. 
They don't return to me without doing everything  I send them to do.  
Isaiah 55:11
  • Elijah heared the whisper of God on the mountain.
  • Moses saw God in a bush, then had very consistent communion with God.
  • Deborah received battle plans and Elijah received travel plans.
  • Samuel received many messages from God as a child, the first when he was a young child.
  • Simeon received a very personal promise that he would live to see the Messiah.
  • Paul, Joseph, Solomon, and Daniel received messages in dreams.
  • Isaiah, Peter, and John received visions.
So how do we know it is God's voice.  Henry Blackaby did a study years ago called When God Speaks. Our 10 and 11 year old grandsons are doing a similar study for students right now.
I found these guidelines on  

1) Is it in accordance with the character of God? (With a student, I’d ask, ‘Does it ‘sound’ like something God would say?’) For example, we know God is love. If this prompting in your heart/vision/dream/word is not loving, it’s not God.

2) Does it remind you of something from the Bible?

3) Does it help someone or bring someone closer to Jesus?(Even if it’s yourself!)

4) Do other believers agree that this seems like something God would say? (For kids, this is usually mom and dad.)

From my personal experience, I add to discussions on this topic...Is it something you probably wouldn't come up with yourself?  Even a step further, is it something you may not really want to do but see it has the potential to bring God glory.

Twice last week God awakened me with ideas that had been nowhere on my mind.  And time and time again when He brings a person to mind and I follow through by reaching out to that person Im amazed by the need to be praying for that person.

God is the real deal and he does speak!  We just need to take time to listen.

The Song "Word of God Speak" Mercy Me


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