
I feel like my man is standing on the dock, saying "What?"

We need to ask that of God more often.  "What Lord? Tell me."

"Your ears listen for what your heart craves." 

Paul Tripp

The above quote was a reread for me. You know a "take in the truth" time.  We put things in our mouths that delight us and we also position ourselves to listen to what our hearts want to hear.

Ha!  I get in the car and I can tell you who the last driver was by the radio station.

Jesus' brother, James,  said, "...let every person be quick to hear, slow to speakslow to anger..."  James 1:19

Let's pray:

Change my heart O Lord, so that the sound of your voice and the wisdom from Your Word are what I long to hear.  For in those times my heart thrills like no other. In Jesus' name, amen.

The Song

"God Who Listens" Chris Tomlin and Thomas Rhett

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