Too Much Information

May 15

I know this is too much information, but there is a purpose.  I wrote this while sitting on my bed in only a bath towel.  Thirty minutes prior I had received an email from a friend, being real,  and my response was to call her and say "Let's just bag every responsibility we have today and go on an adventure, like Peter Pan."
She must have been in the shower or doing her quiet time (safe from my temptations), because she didn't  answer.  That prodded me to pick up a study I'm doing on Divine Design and the Spirit got moving.  Realizing the time, I rushed upstairs, grabbed a banana and was about to get in the shower to make a 10:00 appointment.  In a matter of five minutes God had given me FIVE titles and scenarios for devotionals.  Odds were by the time I got out of the shower, checked email, answered the phone (fell into the devil's distractions) all those ideas would be gone from my aging mind.  So there I sat…naked before the Lord going with the flow of his thoughts, but I wrapped in a towel not trusting these computer cameras.  I smiled and waved at the camera in case anyone  was looking.

Here's an on the side technological tip I learned the hard way.  If you are face timing (not sure about skyping) the recipient of your computer/phone call can push something and take pictures of you.  Our son has taken some very unflattering pics of us in our animated calls with the grands!  We are always making silly faces, acting goofy, etc.  Ok, back to the spiritual lesson.  :-)

This devotional actually makes the sixth scenario God gave me that day, for there is a good lesson in training ourselves to follow the promptings of the Spirit.  There are times we need to stop, drop and pray. Also there are times we need to stop, listen and obey.

Go near and listen to all that the Lord our God says, Then tell us whatever the Lord our God tells you. Will will listen and obey.   Deuteronomy 5:27

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