Give Sacrificially

We've been toilet papering the town!

A few weeks into the quarantine (I can just hear us saying, "Back in Corona Virus days") I was sitting with the Lord and and pondering what it means to give sacrificially.  Quickly, I said to the Lord, "It would be sacrificial giving to give away your toilet paper."  He replied, "Then do it!"  What? That would mean going to Kroger at 7AM every morning to get enough to give away.

I knew what I'd been called to do though, so I shared with my husband and got very little response at first.  Then I asked if possibly our church could order a case from their distributor that we could purchase.  He explained the church was closed and they were not receiving any deliveries.  Oh well, then off to Kroger he would need to go for me, because I'd been staying clear of going inside places.

It wasn't 48 hours until he was sitting in a staff meeting and the head pastor explained they had just received an anonymous gift of 10 CASES OF TOILET PAPER and been asked to give it all away to people in need.  He posed the question to all the pastors, "Any ideas of how we could do this?"

Don't you just love God!  I was immediately crowned queen of toilet paper distribution and oh what fun we have had. Volunteers were mounted up to go into Ferrum, Rocky Mt, Union Hall, Penhook, Glade Hill, Moneta, Wirtz, and Hardy, VA.  We packaged 860 rolls of TP in baggies with a Gospel of John, a card with a link to our church website and 100 McDonald's coupons that were also donated.  Then we took 100 rolls of TP and wrapped them in fabric to be given out on Mother's Day at drive in church!

People were surprised and elated when we knocked on their doors!  We were in one trailer community and a man looked at his bag and said, "Toilet paper and the gospel. Now that's Good News!"

When God has a plan, he has a way to see it through!  We are simply called to go with Him in obedience. I don't think we will forget this missionary journey for a long time.

Today's Coloring Page Promise of God
"You are of God little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater
than he who is in the world."  1 John 4:4

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