Redeeming Love #5 Reconciled


"Reconciliation brings an end to estrangement and rebuilds a relationship.  Jesus acted as a mediator and made the way for our reconciliation with God the Father, and He can do the same thing in human relationships."

Thoughts from Francine Rivers layout of the process of our reconciliation with God.

Building Faith Through Prayer

We are to be in relationship with the Lord through prayer, bringing our concerns to him whether they are big or small.  

Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you. Psalm 55:22

"Throughout Scripture, the Israelites were instructed to remember their past history and how God acted on their behalf."  We are to tell others how God has answered our prayers and grown our faith in the process.

The Fruit of Suffering

"Do we trust that God has a reason for what He allows in our lives?...Desperate situations clarify what's important and push us to call on God....We tend to ask 'Why?' rather than 'How can thins experience strengthen and prepare me for what lies ahead?...If you're in the midst of trouble and wondering why od would allow difficulty in your life, take the opportunity to draw near to Him."

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing the the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.  James 1:2-4

Prayers That Matter

"Prayer brings us into communion with God."

We have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you.  We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.  Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit.  All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.  We pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will the all the endurance and patience you need.  Colossians 1:9-11

In the writing above,  Paul is concerned most of all with the Colossians standing with God.  This is one of my favorite prayers.

Seeing Jesus

"Everything changes when we see Jesus for who He really is...He calls us to Himself to be forgiven and reconciled to Him."  He is the way and wants us to follow Him.

God's Power in Weakness

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. From Isaiah 43 This is such a gift.

We are told Paul had a thorn in the flesh that he asked God to take away, but God never did. Paul wrote about God's grace was all he needed for he came to see how God's power worked best in his weakness.

Being The Fragrance of Christ

But thank God! He has made us his captives and continues to lead us along in Christ’s triumphal procession. Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?                             2 Corinthians 2:14-16

The Call to Come to Him

Pain, bitterness, unforgiveness and our pride can keep us from hearing that small still voice of God.  When we relinquish these things that have been used to distract us and walk towards Christ in obedience we experience His unfailing love.

I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3

Once you hear that voice you will long to hear from Him again for it is a voice of pure love.  As I've said many times, you will know it is the Lord, because it's not something you would have said yourself.  For me, it's usually a loving instruction for redirection/correction, but so many times it is done in that still small voice in a way that makes me smile.  He's always right!  Listen.

The final section from this devotional is called Restored.  I had wanted to cram it into today, finishing this Redeeming Love, but it's just too good. I really want to soak it in, so one more day. 

I know there are those who say just read God's Word, not fiction. And they would most likely say, "Stay away from movies." But I know personally in my life, God uses many different tools to stir my heart and this book and now this devotional, which are scripturally based, are certainly two sources He has used to teach me.  So hang tight!  The Lord willing, we will finish up tomorrow.

The Song   "I Know My Redeemer Lives" Nicole C Mullen

If you don't get chill bumps with this one, check your heart.  I first heard this song back in 2009 and still lift my hands to the Lord when I hear it.  I'll probably use it again with tomorrow's entry!

I do hope you read Redeeming Love and then follow it  up with A Path to Redeeming Love. I just given you a tiny nibble. 

PS Running late today and haven't had time to proof this.

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