Stir It Up

As we discussed Mother's Day gifts for our church ladies, I considered how a rose is lovely, but most people are heading out to lunch after church and that rose may be wilted by the time it gets home and into a vase with water.  Hebrews 10:24 crossed my mind and I suggested the above gift of a wooden spoon!

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works...

What/who has been stirring you up lately? The media can certainly do that in a jiffy.

What about a stirring up to love and good works?  That is best accomplished in small gatherings centered on God's Word. 

Are you part of a church small group that gathers together weekly?

The past nine months I've been a part of two types of small groups. One is a grandmother's Bible study where we are stirring one another up towards a deeper prayer life for our grandchildren by meditating and memorizing scripture.  We also share practical ways to be a spiritual influence.

The other is a very active monthly group at our church, where we stir one another up to invest in our community, neighborhoods and church family. 

Let's pray; Lord, You have created us with plans and a purpose. Stir our hearts to gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ who are called according to Your purpose.  May our desires to be the hands and feet of Jesus be like a matches that are lit setting others on fire to serve you and share your gospel with a lost world.  In Jesus' name. Amen

The Song
"Lifesong" By Casting Crowns

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