The gerbil and the ground hog

I may have dressed our children alike, but they were and still are all very different.

Not one is just like another. We have 13 grandchildren and they are all different physically, as well as having very different personalities.  They were intentionally designed by God to be exactly who they are and we are to view one another with that in mind.

Recently, a professional working with one of our grandchildren explained to me that when they began working together this child was like a gerbil that couldn't sit still for one minute. They would look at you, listen and then ....they were off!

We have a funny groundhog in our yard who waddles his tail along, take a sit, then waddles a little further. He is named after one of our grandsons who operates in a similar pattern.  Definitely, slow mo.

We adore both of these children and they enjoy one another.  Hmm, now that I think about it the ground hog probably tells the gerbil to go get things for him. 

I reread a book called "Becoming the Woman of His Dreams." In the book, Sharon Jaynes reminds us the value in couples bringing different strengths to a marriage. She quotes Genesis 2:23 where God is very pleases with the woman he has created.

"This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man."

Jaynes writes: "Eve was created to complete man like two pieces of a puzzle fitting together. The word complete means 'to fill up; that which is require to supply a deficiency; one or two mutually completing parts.'"

Ooo, I've got to go on...

"And the Lord God said, 'It isn't good for man to be alone. I will make a companion for him, a helper suite to  his needs.' "

Now before you get your feathers ruffled there are numerous places in the Bible where helper is a position of honor.  David and Moses both asked God to be their helper. Jesus told the disciples when he departed he would send them a helper, the Holy Spirit.

Okay, back to a final passage from this book..."The man was not better than the woman (he was lacking without her).  The woman was not better than the man (she was lacking without him). Paul wrote, 'However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor man independent of woman' (1 Corinthians 11:11).  We were designed to depend on and complement each other."

So, whether you operate more like a gerbil or a groundhog you were created with purpose and we should "get up" and help one another to live lives that bring glory to God.

The Song

“Get Up” Tasha Cobbs

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