To Be...Brave in Loss

This grandson has lost his two front teeth.

This grandson experienced loss after his first team experience of going to the playoffs.

November 13
Two friends have lost their breasts to cancer.
Two have lost their jobs recently.
Two have lost their husbands and now carry the new title widow.
One has just lost his home to foreclosure.

Were you ever told, "Be brave!" "Keep a stiff upper lip."  "Put on your big girl pants." "Wipe those tears off your face." "A real man doesn't cry."  

All those instructions require self-reliance.  How blessed those of us are who put our sufficiency in Christ, not self.

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him."  Psalm 28:7

Thankful Thought:
Thank God for a person who has pointed or currently points you to Christ.
Thank God for a time in your life He was your sustenance. 

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