To Be...Singing Hallelujah

Cutest puppy face!
November 17-18

If you know me well at all, you know I love the word "Hallelujah!"  My favorite family video is of one of our granddaughters floating in the bathtub singing "hallelujah" over and over again.  When I hear of an amazing answer to prayer I've been known to break into my "hallelujah dance."

Accidentally, while searching for another song I came upon this video.  It is totally worldly and has nothing to do with Jesus, but it's a fun hallelujah theme from the world's perspective.

While this next song, "Hallelujah" doesn't carry a Christ centered message, although it has Biblical references, it is about loves gone sour. The way the music moves is mesmerizing. This Pentatonix version is masterful.  I'm able to listen to this song, "Hallelujah" and imagine singing it regularly in heaven.

"After this, I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out, 'Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God.'" Revelation 19:1

How often has our love and adoration for the Lord gone stale? Hallelujah, we are redeemed and can approach the throne again!

The word hallelujah means "Praise the Lord!"

Check out what has to say about this word:

"So great is the rejoicing by God's people at the wedding feast of the Bridegroom (Christ) and the bride (the church) that hallelujah is the only word grand enough to express it.  Handel's version of the great chorus in heaven, a glorious as that music is, is only a feeble foreshadowing of the magnificence that will be expressed by the heavenly chorus as we sing, "Hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigns!"

Thankful Thought
Thank You for being a God who is so easy to praise and for all the reasons we have to say, "Hallelujah!"

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