The Fuel of our Spirits

September 14-15

A friend emailed me this C.S. Lewis quote, which she had used when teaching Bible study recently.
"God designed the human machine to run on Himself.
He himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn...
There is no other...God cannot give us happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there.  
There is no such thing.

 Previously, I've mentioned the high school quarterback, whom we claim as a grandchild of ours.  Each week I ask the Lord to give me a word and a scripture for this young man.  Yesterday, the word was
fuel.  Total surprise set in as I searched Biblegateway for the word fuel.  Twenty-five options came up in the Message translation and I felt this one was perfect to encourage a quarterback. 

Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame.  
Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant.  
Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder.  
Romans 12:11-13

Well, the game went into OVERTIME!  (We listen on the computer.)  This verse was perfect for an exhausting game.  The Trojans lost the toss and had the ball first  (I feel like my husband who drags the suspense out when telling about a game.)  They scored a touch down and successfully went for the extra point. Whew.  Then it was the Rebels chance to respond.  Our stomachs were had been such a long night and our fellow had taken helmet to helmet contact.  Wait! What did the announcer say?  Interception.  My husband and I looked at each other, high fived and rejoiced!  They won!  
Our sweet boy texted me at 12:21 AM  "Love you so much. It was crazy. I'm so sore."

He carried the word of God into that game and the Holy Spirit fueled him and allowed him to "play all the harder" because I know he was "praying all the harder!"

Here is God's sense of humor...reread the verse..."Don't burn out..."  The name of the team they played was Byrnes.  BURNS.  Pretty good word and verse for that week!

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