Daddy Daughter Day

March 31
The plan was for our son, who lives in Minnesota, to fly in for four nights over Easter with his 1 and 3 year olds.  His wife was on call that weekend.  The day before the flight the three year old fell backwards in a chair at Day Care and sustained a severe concussion.  Determined to make a go of it, they headed to the airport the next day in hopes the complications had subsided, but on the way he became actively sick and had to stay behind.  So, Daddy and daughter embarked on a five day excursion to Virginia alone!  We enjoyed watching the love these two share and having the opportunity to get to know this precious little personality a bit better.  (Like Mama Boo....this little girl LOVES to create!)

Yesterday morning I awakened to an empty house for the first time in eight days.  My thought was...I'm all alone.  Immediately the thought shifted and I felt God say, "You are never alone.
Today we are having a "Daddy Daughter Day."

This verse in Hebrews is not only a good reminder that God is always there ready to help, but it also gives some awesome guidelines for offering hospitality without a hassle.  I think I'll post it as a reminder as the Shiloh summer crowd arrives.

Stay on good terms with each other, held together by love.  Be ready with a meal or a bed when it's needed.  Why, some have extending hospitality to angels without ever knowing it!...Don't be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, 'I'll never let you down, never talk off and leave you,' we can boldly quote,
God is there, ready to help; I"m fearless no matter what.'"
Hebrews 13: 1-3, 5-6

Please say a prayer as I have my yearly checkup and blood work review today.  
Pray I can clearly express to the doctor symptoms occurring and 
that I have clarity of understanding what she is relaying to me.
No fear here.  It's Daddy Daughter outing!

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