Old and Crazy

Pulling out a box of Easter decorations, I came across these playing cards and the titles
really spoke to me...Old and Crazy!

March 5-6
The Bible Study Fellowship lesson this week on God's justice and mercy spoke to me as well.  One day in the midst of studying, a baby woodpecker was pecking away on our house. Usually, for the big birds if I simply knock on the window he/she takes to flight.  This baby was too ignorant to see me as a threat.  The joke was on me, as the scene played out.
I knocked on the window, slammed the door, hooted and hollered, and finally got a broom and frantically swung it in the air, as this wee one totally IGNORED me!  I probably would have gotten a BB gun, but there were numerous windows in the vicinity and I felt sure I'd hit those and not the bird.

Giving up I came back inside and thought about the lesson I'd just read on being merciful.  There wasn't a ting of mercy on my mind related to that destructive bird.

And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

God's mercies are new every morning.  Are ours?

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