October 18-19
PAIN...People Actively In Need
Webster defines pain in several ways:
physical discomfort;
acute mental or emotional distress or suffering;
one that irks or annoys or is otherwise troublesome.

No matter the category, the remedy is the same...
we can take it to the Father who is excellent at
restraining our pain and bringing comfort...
physical, emotional or just plain troublesome!

In the next lesson of When God Speaks, Blackaby
outlines a process to go through when our
circumstances are confusing (painful) and we
don't have a clear word from God on what to do.
1) Settle in your mind that God demonstrated His
love for you on the cross and that never changes.
2)Do not try to understand what God is like based
on your circumstances. Ask Him to help you see His
perspective on your situation.
3) Wait on the Holy Spirit. Learn patience!
God's timing is always best.
4) Adjust your life to God and what you see Him
doing through your circumstances.
5) If there are no clear instructions, wait and do the
last thing you know God told you to do. Don't feel you
have to be doing something all the time.
6)Experience God working in and through you to
accomplish His purposes.

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He
will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on
His own authority, but whatever He hears He will
speak; and He will tell you things to come. John 16:13

Let's pray: God our father, hear our prayers. We come
before You because we believe that even if we have only
the faith of a mustard seed circumstances can be changed.
The pains we carry vary, so today we stop and share some
specific, personal heavinesses causing us be People
In Active Need of You! Take these painful situations....
____________________, _______________________.
Teach us to become triumphant through them.
Help us to trust You with the outcomes and encourage others
who may tread the same way. In Jesus Name, Amen

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